Wolfgang Loehe
On Sunday morning, April 11, 1943, the 95th & 96th Fighter Squadrons, tangled with numerous aircraft of the, Luftwaffe, over the Mediterranean Sea. 39 planes of the, Luftwaffe, were lost and/or damaged, including a, Ju52, flown by, Oblt. Wolfgang Loehe. Loehe survived the crash of his, Ju52, and was rescued, 5 1/2 hours later by a German ship. Wolfgang Loehe, will celebrate his 90th birthday, later this summer. He and his son, Paul, wanted to share some photos and information, through the 82nd FG website.
Margret and Oblt. Wolfgang Loehe
Wolfgang Loehe's, Ju52 at Pleskau, Sept. 1942, KGr.z.b.V.700 (Osfront)
Wolfgang Loehe's, Ju52 on the airfield at, Tunis, Nord, Dec. 1942 - MTO - KG.z.b.V.1
Wolfgang Loehe's, Ju52, stuck in the sand at the Tunis airfield
This pencil drawing was done by a friend of Wolfgang Loehe, in 1944. Notice the P-38s in the upper right hand corner of the drawing and the Ju52s, in the left-center
In 1993, 50 years later, Wolfgang Loehe, painted this, 'self portrait'. Notice the P-38s in the upper right hand corner and the Ju52s, in the left-center