Edmund B. 'Ted' Anderson
Paper Collection
Submitted by the Anderson Family
Paper Collection
Submitted by the Anderson Family
Flight Logbook
May 3, 1942 - July 31, 1942 - 96th FS - March Field, Glendale, CA.
May 3, 1942 - July 31, 1942 - 96th FS - March Field, Glendale, CA.
August 2, 1942 - September 8, 1942
96th FS - March Field, Glendale, CA
96th FS - March Field, Glendale, CA
October 21, 1942 - December 27, 1942 - 96th FS - Elington, Ireland / Youks
January 11, 1943 - May 30, 1943 - 96th FS - North Africa
July 3, 1943 - December 28, 1943 - N.A., Italy, Eygpt - 47th Wing
January 1944 - February 1944 - Italy - HQ/96th FS